Shreeji has always been Unique and Innovative player in providing Better Service and Information to Customer. We strive to constantly innovate and keep up with the times to provide the best services in the industry.
Door Delivery of consignment in Parcel & Part load Services Since 1983.
Introduced Full Body Trucks in Southern India since 1990's.
All the company Owned Trucks are equipped with GPRS Tracking System since 2001.
All the company Trucks are under Annual Maintenance Contract with the Manufacturers of Trucks Since 2001.
The company's foray into Custom Bonded Trucking in 2002 has been path breaking and well received by the airlines industry.
The Entire company functions with a network of ERP Enabled systems since 2008.
  Our USP being that we constantly innovate and keep up with the times to provide the best services in the industry.